
Game Environment Design: Cyberpunk Scenes with Unreal Engine

Learn how to create a real-time cyberpunk environment for a video game by using digital tools to create mood, level art, lighting, and animation

  • Remember that great idea you had for a video game? Founders of Leartes Studios, Oguzhan and Serdar are here to help you bring that idea to life. Leartes Studios specializes in creating environments for video games with Unreal Engine 4. With clients such as Marvel Studios, Activision, Epic Games, Ubisoft, Microsoft, and more, they have created seamless game environments for a wide range of video game genres.

  • In this course, they give you a walkthrough of how to create a cyberpunk video game environment from scratch. Oguzhan and Serdar take you through the basics of Unreal Engine, and show you how to create detailed level art and compelling renders for animations. Ready to create your own virtual, cyberpunk world?

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